It's been AwhilE sinCe mY last Visit in thIs Site, Na iSip ko Lang biSitahiN to Kill timE kasi waLa pA ako ginaGawang TrabaHo dito Sa oFFice i GuEss as Always ditO lanG akO sa offIce nakakaInternet, naKaKa- Check Ng aCcounts aT nakakPagbaSa ng EmaiLs aT blogS ng iBang tao And Another Reason i Guess wHy mY Thoughts Brought me hEre to this siTe is to ReleASe mY mixed emoTions thAt im FeelinG laTely...In tHis PlacE somEhow I can CleaR my minD and Think, anD hear Myself...
I am thinkinG oF new thIngs, inTeresting iDeas and thoughts thAt i alWays wanTed to Share to oThers That miGht Help and InspiRE them. :) Like When i Was a DJ before back whEn i Was in CollegE i Have thiS show on thE radio called Talking Loud there i gaVe a Topic to tackle for and Share ideAs and giVe advices depending on The Situation, topics and wHatever Stuffs. hahaha! i Remember me and my co- host of the show named Don michael gave a topic of the day and Let the liStener Gave their comments, Suggestions, idEas, Inspirations and experiences In liFe to ShaRe and at thE enD of The sHow we Gave our SigniFicant idEas of whatever thE Topic Was Wether it iS a loVe situation, family, freinds, Showbiz, and Other issueS that iS common IN the society Except For politics i Guess for I reallY don't haVe much Knowledge on It.
I miss Being a DJ... It always give me good realization and THe listeners. :)